rainbows and unicorns

People always ask me, “Why are you so happy all the dang time? Do you wake up like that? Are you always so annoying?” And the answer is yes. Especially to the last question.
You might be thinking, of course you’re happy – you ran away, you idiot. Not everybody’s life is all rainbows and unicorns. Some people have every right to complain. That’s the problem. You also have every right to be happy – no matter what’s going on in your life.
If you know me, you know things haven’t always been so good. As a matter of fact, my life has been pretty bleak at times – but that’s a story for another day. Mostly, though, I’ve been a happy go lucky kind of gal. Crazy, but true – because I learned something early on.
As long as I stayed in control of the way I spoke to myself I could control my mood. Did I want to feel worse or better? I always chose better.
But how can you be happy in not-so-happy times? Easy. You choose to be. Words and thoughts are powerful things. Sometimes the only things that we have control over. Choose them wisely.
No one has the power to change our attitude unless we give it to them.
Try this – start each day in a good mood. Before you get out of bed say out loud, “This is going to be a great day.” And mean it. You might not feel it at first, but keep at it. Practice. It might feel odd at first, but it beats the hell out of complaining before you even get out from under the covers. It also helps to have a pup, or three, to love on before you put your feet on the floor.
Before you know it, you start to believe it. When you believe it  – things start to change – and the easier it gets.
Don’t keep wishing that you could be happy – BE HAPPY.  You have the power to make it happen. Own it.


  1. Being happy is definitely a choice. I know also that through tough times I could have walked around sad and depressed but that would just make the day worse. Smile even when there is nothing to smile about. It does change your attitude and effects your health. Thank you for sharing. You are an inspiration to us all. I love you!

    1. Mandy Haynes – East Nashville – My name is Mandy Haynes, and I’m originally from Nashville, Tennessee. Currently living life on an island off the east coast with my three rescued terriers – Moe, Curly, and Pearl - and Albert, my turtle. I am the author of two short story collections - Walking the Wrong Way Home and Sharp as a Serpent's Tooth Eva and Other Stories, and a novella, Oliver. I'm also the co-editor of the Southern Writers Reading reunion anthology, Best of the Shortest. I write literary fiction with a southern drawl. I’m a professional eavesdropper, bonafide runaway, textile artist, freelance writer, and the Editor-in-Chief of WELL READ Magazine.
      And She's Off! says:

      Oh, talk about a lady who knows! You certainly do. I love you, too. ❤

    1. Mandy Haynes – East Nashville – My name is Mandy Haynes, and I’m originally from Nashville, Tennessee. Currently living life on an island off the east coast with my three rescued terriers – Moe, Curly, and Pearl - and Albert, my turtle. I am the author of two short story collections - Walking the Wrong Way Home and Sharp as a Serpent's Tooth Eva and Other Stories, and a novella, Oliver. I'm also the co-editor of the Southern Writers Reading reunion anthology, Best of the Shortest. I write literary fiction with a southern drawl. I’m a professional eavesdropper, bonafide runaway, textile artist, freelance writer, and the Editor-in-Chief of WELL READ Magazine.
      And She's Off! says:

      Thank you, Renee.

    1. Mandy Haynes – East Nashville – My name is Mandy Haynes, and I’m originally from Nashville, Tennessee. Currently living life on an island off the east coast with my three rescued terriers – Moe, Curly, and Pearl - and Albert, my turtle. I am the author of two short story collections - Walking the Wrong Way Home and Sharp as a Serpent's Tooth Eva and Other Stories, and a novella, Oliver. I'm also the co-editor of the Southern Writers Reading reunion anthology, Best of the Shortest. I write literary fiction with a southern drawl. I’m a professional eavesdropper, bonafide runaway, textile artist, freelance writer, and the Editor-in-Chief of WELL READ Magazine.
      And She's Off! says:

      No, this MaryRuth wasn’t from Cheatham County.

        1. Mandy Haynes – East Nashville – My name is Mandy Haynes, and I’m originally from Nashville, Tennessee. Currently living life on an island off the east coast with my three rescued terriers – Moe, Curly, and Pearl - and Albert, my turtle. I am the author of two short story collections - Walking the Wrong Way Home and Sharp as a Serpent's Tooth Eva and Other Stories, and a novella, Oliver. I'm also the co-editor of the Southern Writers Reading reunion anthology, Best of the Shortest. I write literary fiction with a southern drawl. I’m a professional eavesdropper, bonafide runaway, textile artist, freelance writer, and the Editor-in-Chief of WELL READ Magazine.
          And She's Off! says:

          I sent you an email 😉

  2. Mary Francis McNinch – The good old USA – We are Kip and Mary McNinch. We are parents of four, proud of our 8 grandies, and 3 great-grandies. The Murdo Girl blog started as a way to let family and friends know what we were experiencing on our first RV trip. We have since traveled over 10,000 miles. The posts evolved to include true tales about growing up in the small town of Murdo, SD. You will also read stories of some of my more recent life experiences. So far I have 65 years of living to tell you about (12/31/16). It's mostly fun, funny, and light hearted. I hope you enjoy reading about some "feel good" memories and other "stuff."
    Mary Francis McNinch says:

    You’re my kind of girl…

  3. Dot Ainsworth Day – MISSISSIPPI – After 25 years in the classroom as an English teacher and over twenty years as a family therapist, I was confined to home with a muscular dystrophy and began to write my family history. MEMORIES OF THE SHARECROPPER'S FAMILY was published February 27, 2017. Through this blog, I hope you enjoy learning more about muscular dystrophy, the (ahem) joys of having a caregiver or care partner and the management of daily activities. THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR is a short story soon to be stretched into a novel. A TASTE FOR MURDER, a family story of murder discussed on another blog and in the family history, is still in the first draft stage. Note: Writing a novel based on real characters and avoiding offense or lawsuit is difficult enough. Its being a first novel and my learning the intricacies of dialogue and plotting​ have made for a slow learning curve.
    Dot Ainsworth Day says:

    Viktor Frankl discovered much the same thing in a Nazi concentration camp.I quite agree-I choose to be joyful and to appreciate–most of the time.

    1. Mandy Haynes – East Nashville – My name is Mandy Haynes, and I’m originally from Nashville, Tennessee. Currently living life on an island off the east coast with my three rescued terriers – Moe, Curly, and Pearl - and Albert, my turtle. I am the author of two short story collections - Walking the Wrong Way Home and Sharp as a Serpent's Tooth Eva and Other Stories, and a novella, Oliver. I'm also the co-editor of the Southern Writers Reading reunion anthology, Best of the Shortest. I write literary fiction with a southern drawl. I’m a professional eavesdropper, bonafide runaway, textile artist, freelance writer, and the Editor-in-Chief of WELL READ Magazine.
      And She's Off! says:

      Thank you.

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